Last Update 2/ 1/ 2008
in English/ in Esperanto/ in Portuguese
This is a parallel projection of a cube with a triad axis contained in the screen plane on the left side of the figure, another parallel projection of the cube with the three-fold axis perpendicular to the screen plane on the center of the figure and its stereographic projection with the triad axis coincident with the North South (NS) axis on the right side of the figure. All these projections will rotate at same velocity if you drag the mouse on the green square.
1) Compare and conclude on segment CD announced in “Orientations
of the cube” and the 3-fold axis mentioned in this page.
2) Find f1, the angular spherical coordinate of the tetrahedron face pole in “From tetrahedron to prism“ and the angular spherical coordinate f2 of the cube face pole presented in this page considering f1 and f2 on the same hemisphere.
3) What is the greatest rotation angle q of the cube when the mouse is dragged from left to right over the green square in this application?
4) Find the least angle of rotation q1, q2 and q3, measured from the starting position q0= 0o on the parallel projection of the cube on the left side of this page when superposition of edges is observed during mouse drag action.
Please send your comments.
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