Last Update 09/ 11/ 2009
in English/ in Esperanto/ in Portuguese
You are invited to click on the Miller indices button on the upper figure corresponding to the tetrahedron face obtained after the reflection of the tetrahedron face plane given by the Miller indices with red partenthesis by the mirror plane in light blue, according to the Cartesian referential in red.
A wrong choice will generate an extra bad face. A happy face will be displayed after a click on the correct button and also the time gap in red.
Below the 8 buttons with the Miller indices, a click on button 6 shows the light blue mirror plane in the cube together with the tetrahedron. A click on button 8I or 8II,or 8III or 8IV will show the plane face of the octahedron contained in the plane face of the tetrahedron, respectively. A click on button 4 will return the initial tetrahedron with the mirror plane.
The projections of the polyhedra were obtained with the aid of the object rotation resource.
Write the Miller indices for all the plane faces corresponding to the given tetrahedron.
Please send your comments.
Table of subjects.