Last Update 24/ 02/ 2004
in English/ in Esperanto/ in Portuguese
Click on any of the seven buttons on the right side of the figure to operate one of the seven symmetry classes of the hexagonal crystal system on a face pole in stereographic projection.
A single 6-fold rotation axis or the improper 6-fold rotation axis can either build a respective class. Theese axes will be present in the other five classes together with mirror plane or 2-fold axis. Axes and planes or axis and axis are related similar as in the tetragonal system.
A click on the circle will clear the figure and select a new face pole.
1) What is the intersection angle of the 2-fold axis and the 6-fold axis in class 62?
2) How many 2-fold axes can be observed in class 6/mm?
3) If a mirror plane perpendicular to the 6-fold axis is added in class 6m what class will result?
Please send your comments.
Table of subjects.