Last Update 10/ 01/ 2025

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Question of the day

Roberto Andrea Müller

Study themes in multilanguages, illustrated with simulation programs, interaction or animation for group or individual educational activity. This mutidiscipline publication is frequently expanded. Its objective is to educate with participation of the interested person, in a dynamical way, with low cost, enabling wide, fraternal and constructive communication. With the increasing quality of Teleeducation due to general progress there is hope to contribute for a better life quality. The team received mail from people of several countries. We have attended and will continue to attend the users with pleasure and respect. Authors of selected collaborations may be invited by the team to publish in this space.

Please send your comments.

Table of subjects.
Agronomy Lawn Inexpensive irrigation
Art Graphical Labels
Biochemistry Biodiversity Biodiversity with a glance
Biology Animal Fertilization
Chemistry Analytical Chromatography
Elemental organic analysis
Volumetric analysis, simulation
Crystallography 3 fold screw axis
4 fold inversion axis on tetrahedron
5 fold rotation axis absent in crystallography
Analysis of a mixture of minerals - simulation
Binary axis and reflection plane in stereographic projection
Bravais lattices
c2mm Unit cell origin hunter
Conic sections under symmetry operators
Converting from spherical coordinates to stereographic projection
Crystal lattice and unit cell
Determination of unit cell
Elements of symmetry in action - animation
Elements of symmetry in action - cube game
Elements of symmetry in action - dodecahedron game
Elements of symmetry in action - icosahedron game
Elements of symmetry in action - octahedron game
Elements of symmetry in action - tetrahedron game
Ewald sphere and crystal measurements
Five classes in the cubic system
Five classes in the rhombohedral system
From tetrahedron to prism
Gnomonic projection
Improper symmetry axis
Miller indices
Miller indices - animation
Miller indices - cube game
Miller indices - octahedron game
Miller indices - rhombic dodecahedron game
Miller indices - tetrahedron game
Mirror plane
Mirror planes and Miller indices game - tetrahedron
Octahedral and tetrahedral hole
Orientations of the cube
Plane symmetry groups
Question on point group
Rotation axis in octahedron and Werner compounds
Rotation axis on tetrahedron and organic molecules
Rotation of a cube vertex
Rotation of objects about an arbitrary axis
Rotation of the parallel and stereographic projections of the cube
Rotation of the stereographic and parallel projection of the cube III
Seven faces in stereographic projection
Seven classes in the hexagonal system
Seven classes in the tetragonal system
Six elements of symmetry in seven orientations
Solid and aqueous sodium chloride, NaCl
Spherical projection of the octahedron
Stereographic projection
Stereographic projection of six polyhedra in different orientations
Straight line equations and symmetry elements
Symmetry, 2 fold axis
Symmetry, 2, 3 and 6 fold axis in benzene
Symmetry, 3 fold axis in the cube
Symmetry, 4 fold axis in the cube
Symmetry, 4 fold axis in the unit cell of gold
Symmetry elements and Miller indices game
Symmetry elements and Miller indices game - octahedron
Symmetry in art and in crystallography
Three classes in the monoclinic system
Three classes in the orthorhombic system
Twin crystals
Two classes in the triclinic system
Unit cell in hexagonal net
General Butane conformations
Electrochemical cell
Ethane conformations
Oxidation and reduction
Resources of chemical-ICT: water, health and symmetry
Solid and liquid gold
Folklore Brazil Carnival
Other Varied Linear regression and statistics
Oblique and orthogonal systems study
Pocket calendar
Study of the oblique at all coordinate system and the orthogonal coordinate system
The Great Wall of China and the Great Higway of Love


Alexsandra Eliane de Souza

Claudinei Alves da Silva

Clóvis Andrade Neves, D.S.

Ednardo Moreira Santos

Elson Santiago de Alvarenga, PhD.

Márcio Rodrigues Pinto Albuquerque

Marisa Takayama

Paulo Gontijo Veloso de Almeida, D.S.

Roberto Andrea Müller, D.S., coordinator

The following persons contributed with support and suggestions for the progress of this work:

Antistica Sialino Müller, Antônio Augusto Neves, Antônio Jacinto Demuner, Antônio Simões Silva, Ari M. Siqueira, Benjamim Gonçalves Milagres, Carlos Roberto Bellato, Carlos Sigueyuki Sediyama, Célia Regina Álvares Maltha, Celso de Souza Lima, César Reis, Cláudio Ferreira Lima, Cláudio Pereira Jordão, Daniel Müller, Dorila Piló-Veloso, Edilson Costa de Oliveira, Edilton de Souza Barcellos, Eduardo Jaime Quirós Batres, Efraim Lázaro Reis, Elisa Sialino Müller, Elita Duarte Costa, Emmanuel Sialino Müller, Evaldo Ferreira Vilela, Fabiano Pais dos Santos, Frederico José Vieira Passos, German Enrique Cares Quevas, Gulab Newandram Jham, Jenna Seehafer, Jõao Sabino de Oliveira, Joel Antônio de Oliveira, José Henrique de Oliveira, José Mário Braga Filho, José Roberto da Silveira Maia, José William Kimo, Julia Evergreen Keefer, Juliana Sialino Müller, Katia Müller, Lara Müller, Luiz Aurélio Raggi, Luiz Carlos Euclydes, Luiz Henrique Mendes da Silva, Luiz Cláudio de Almeida Barbosa, Marcelo de Freitas Gama, Marcelo Simão, Marco Túlio Apolinário, Marco Túlio David das Neves, Márcia Mendonça C. dos Santos, Márcio Lívio Pereira Pinto, Maria da Conceição Aparecida Baltazar, Geraldo Caldeira Passos, Maria Eliana Lopes Ribeiro de Queiroz, Mary Ellen Nourse, Mayura Marques Magalhães Rubinger, Michelini Lopes da Silva, Nilda de Fátima Ferreira Soares, Osvaldo Sergio F. de Carvalho, Paulo Antônio Maffia, Per Christian Bräathen, Ricardo Frederico Euclydes, Sérgio Augusto Simão, Steve McCarty, Suzete Aparecida Pereira Silve, Waldir José Pinheiro Reis,